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Official languages of all countries

Check out official languages of every country in the world. If you are curious about the most spoken ones, here are the top 8 most spoken languages:

  1. English -  Approx. 1.130 million speakers.
  2. Mandarin - Approx.  1.110 million speakers.
  3. Hindi - Approx.  610 million speakers.
  4. Spanish - Approx.  530 million speakers.
  5. French - Approx.  280 million speakers.
  6. Arabic - Approx.  270 million speakers.
  7. Russian - Approx.  250 million speakers.
  8. Portuguese - Approx.  230 million speakers.

List of all official languages:
 Ontorus Editorial
Posted by: Ontorus Editorial
At Ontorus Editorial, the focus is on providing the most valuable knowledge. Efforts are made to offer high-quality and relevant information in every article. The goal is to ensure the best content so that everyone stays informed and updated on the topics of greatest interest.

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